Ready to heal from Trauma?

JOIN the WAITLIST for an upcoming EMDR Intensive

Tired of your trauma getting in the way of the life you want to live? Sign up below to join the waitlist for my upcoming EMDR Intensives and get the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for!

As an accelerated form of therapy, EMDR Intensives are designed to:

  • Provide a condensed, focused format for working through trauma

  • Offer faster relief from trauma symptoms

  • Heal trauma more efficiently (and less expensively!) than the traditional format of weekly therapy

  • Allow you to schedule your treatment in advance so you make space in your life and calendar to be fully focused on getting the most out of your Intensive.

EMDR Intensives are offered in a variety of formats, ranging from 2-hour-long sessions up to full-day or multi-day sessions offered over the course of a week. EMDR Intensives are conducted in-person, and are available to those who live in California or who are traveling to California. Sign up below to learn more.

It’s time to finally move on with your life.

Join the Waitlist

Fill out the form below if you’re interested in being notified of future EMDR Intensives!

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You are Meant to flourish

Let’s reclaim the joy and connection you were made for.