In-Person Therapy in GLENdale, CA, Or Online ACROSS California
Pastors are not OK right now
You have been through the wringer these last couple of years in ministry. In some ways, you’re used to the exhaustion by now, but in other ways it feels like only a matter of time before you truly hit your breaking point, or just shrivel up into a dry husk of the human you used to be.
Of course you didn’t go into ministry expecting it to be easy, but no one prepared you for this. The constant scrutiny and criticism, the ever-changing COVID policies, the isolation, the lack of volunteers, and the languishing of in-person community – it’s a palpable weariness that runs deep, and all of your people are worn out, too. There’s just not enough of you to go around to meet all of the needs.
It was never easy…but now it’s worse
But the demands of ministry itself aren’t necessarily the worst part. It’s watching the people you’ve loved and taught and discipled pulling away from Jesus; drifting out of fellowship, or embracing ideas and attitudes and behaviors that are so far from the character of Christ as to be unrecognizable. It’s hard not to wonder at times if all your work is even accomplishing anything. The thought of leaving ministry altogether is more appealing than you’d like to admit.
And yet you know you were called to this work. You still believe in the life-transforming, world-renewing power of the gospel of Jesus, and still want to see God’s kingdom made more and more visible on earth. But you know that if you’re going to last in this work – and if your marriage, your health, and your sanity are going to last – something needs to change.
Your mental health matters to God…and to your ministry
At Flourish Counseling Services, I help pastors, ministry leaders, and their spouses reconnect with their sense of joy and purpose, so they can flourish both in ministry and in normal life — without the two being in constant competition. I provide a safe space to process, problem-solve, grieve, get feedback – a space where you can talk about the weariness and frustration, be a regular human who struggles, and find both clarity and relief.
As a PK, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and (bonus!) not a member of your congregation, I’m here to provide an objective sounding board and the tools to help you work through the emotional, relational, and psychological patterns that keep you struggling in ministry more than you need to. We’ll talk through the false guilt, personal baggage, and ministry trauma that so often trap you in cycles of overcommitting and burning out. We’ll pay attention to the embodied aspects of your life – your sleep, your health, your thought life, your relationships – not glossing over or over-spiritualizing these essential components of your well-being.
You need to be able to attend well to all of your callings – not only in ministry, but also as a spouse, child, friend, and parent. The people in your life and your church matter too much for you not to become a more vibrant, emotionally healthy person and leader…and God loves you too much to let you stay stuck the way you are.
Don’t wait to get support till you fall apart.
If you’re ready to take the next step toward a more congruent, flourishing life, I invite you to contact me for a FREE 15-minute phone consultation at 626-598-6234. You’ve been given gifts and a calling to use and to manage; now let’s make sure that you have what you need to keep putting them to good use – for your delight and for God’s glory.
need to know a bit more about me?
Rachel Engels, LMFT
Helping pastors, therapists, and couples reclaim the flourishing lives they were made for.
Hi, I’m Rachel.
I know it’s important to find a therapist you can trust and connect with — not only in terms of approach, but also on a basic theological level. While we don’t need to be from identical church backgrounds to work well together, it helps many of my clients to know that I’m a committed Christian who loves Jesus, so I can understand and appreciate the way that faith informs and impacts their lives, as well. I’ve worked with clients from a variety of denominations, including both male and female pastors, their parishioners, and their spouses.
To learn more about me, reach out to schedule a call. I look forward to hearing from you!