In-Person Therapy in Glendale, CA, or online throughout California
It’s your turn
to be cared for
You’re worn out.
You went into the counseling profession to help people, and you love what you do, but this work (and this year, let’s be honest) is stretching you to your limits.. You’re weary from carrying the weight of clients’ struggles. You’re worn out working too many hours, and you’re desperately trying to bring some overdue balance into your life. Or maybe you’re exhausted by not having enough work – you know the need is out there, and you’re ready to get your hands dirty doing the work, but the clients just aren’t coming and you don’t know how long you can sustain such an inconsistent schedule. Throw in a pandemic, a good dose of social isolation, and maybe the additional responsibility of being a parent, and no wonder it sometimes feels like you barely have anything left to give.
There’s just not enough of you to go around.
You laugh less these days, with a lot more tears and numbing out. You wonder how you’re supposed to effectively help others when you can barely follow the same advice you give to clients. You’ve made excuses for not taking better care of yourself – that you don’t want to let clients down by cutting back your availability, that it’s too expensive to invest in the restorative things you know you need, that you can’t afford to take a break, that your family needs you to contribute more. The chorus of self-governing voices is unrelenting, always telling you to do more and try harder. And when clients aren’t getting better as quickly as you’d hoped, it makes you wonder if you’re even good at this. So you get down on yourself, flop exhausted onto the couch, and start googling AirBnBs in remote tropical locations to take your mind off how hard everything feels, all the time.
But burnout isn’t an option. You don’t want to lose your love for this profession, or morph into a jaded, cynical version of your former self. It’s becoming clear that you can’t afford NOT to take care of yourself anymore. Trying to therapize yourself out of this just isn’t enough. It’s time for you to finally listen to what your life is telling you – that you need to slow down and actually give your own needs the space to exist.
The one place where it’s OK for you to be ‘selfish’
You have been so focused on the needs of everyone else. You need a space where you’re allowed to hog all the airtime you need to vent, process, and have someone to take care of you for a change.
Rachel Engels, LMFT
The world needs a you that is fully alive.
As a therapist who has learned the hard way about work/life balance, overcome a chronic illness, and juggled the responsibilities of raising a family along the way, I know both the hard parts and the awesome parts of this work that we do. I believe your calling to this profession is far too valuable – and so are the people who you serve – for you to be anything less than a full, flourishing, thriving person who can find joy and balance in their work, as well as rest and enjoyment in just being alive. It’s not your job to hold the world together. At the same time, as a person and as a therapist, you are of such irreplaceable value that the world can’t afford for your gifts and your spark go to waste. My hope for you is that therapy will be a place that you can heal, recover, and ultimately flourish, so that you can enjoy your life as you were meant to, while being an amazing force for good in the lives of those you serve.
Moving beyond survival mode
If you’re looking for your own therapist in the Burbank, CA area and want to go beyond just surviving your life and work, and are ready to finally make room for your own rest and growth, contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation at 626-598-6234 or contact me to schedule a call. Let’s chat about how we can work together to reclaim the balanced, joyful life of purpose you were made for.