What Should I Talk About in Therapy?
Coming to therapy can be a daunting experience at times, especially if you're not always sure what to talk about. Some weeks you might have very specific issues you want to address, and other times you might be questioning whether you have anything worth bringing up, or second-guessing what the purpose of therapy is when you don't feel like you're solving a new problem every week.
Here are some thoughts I've put together over at the Sync Counseling Center blog, describing:
- What kinds of topics to bring up in therapy
- How to know whether something is important enough to address in therapy
- Ideas for jumpstarting the conversation if you're at a loss for what to talk about
Click here to read my thoughts on What to Talk About in Therapy: A Guide to Getting the Most out of Your Sessions, and you'll have some ideas in your pocket to give you greater confidence in how to use your sessions to their fullest potential.